3104: King Orge

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The king, Ogre Magi has two head,the left head and the right head.They share one body, so that they wherever they want go, they have to go together. One day, left head want to go to the north, but right head want to go to the south. To make a compromise, they decide to play a game, the winner can decide which direction to go.

They has $n$ pile of stones, the $i$-th stones has $a_i$ stone. Ther played in turn. Each turn the player should choose a pile of stone and separate them into two piles which must have different nummber of stones. The head which could't make any action will lose the game.

The left head make action first.


Input contains multiple test cases.

The first line is an integer  $T(1\le T \le 10)$ ,indicating the number of test cases.

Each case begins with an integer $N(1\le N \le 1000000)$,indicating the number of piles.

The next line contains N integers $a_i(1\le a_i \le 10000)$,representing the number of stones in every piles.


For each text case output a line. 

If left head will win, output "Go along the north!".

If right head will win,output "No,Go South!".

输入样例 复制

30 40 37 99
20 20 30 30

输出样例 复制

Go along the north!
No,Go South!