3125: Super auto pets

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提交:79 通过:5


Recently, Alice and Bob are fascinated with a game -- Super Auto Pets. Each person has five pets, and each pet has its own damage $A$ and HP(health point) $B$. Alice and Bob will line up their pets. Every second, the pet in front of the team of Alice and Bob will attack each other at the same time. So who will win the game.

Each pet can carry a item with different functions:

  • none -- Don't carry item
  • honey -- When the pet dies, it can summon a bee with $1$ attack and $1$ health. The bee does not carry items
  • garlic --each time received damage $-2$, but damage is at least $1$ point, the long-term effect
  • chili -- While striking, chili does $5$ damage to the second pet in the team.
  • melon -- Reduces damage by $20$, but can only block one attack. When damage is less than or equal to $20$, the pet is not hurt but the melon is gone. When damage is greater than $20$, the damage for pet reduces $20$ and the melon is gone.
  • steak -- the pet's damage is increased by $20$


Each test contains multiple test cases. The first line contains the number of test cases $T$ ($1 \leq T \leq 10^4$). Description of the test cases follows.

The first line of each sample contains five positive integers $a$ ($1 \leq a \leq 50$), describing the damage abilities of Alice's five pets

The second row of each sample contains five positive integers $b$ ($1 \leq b \leq 50$), describing the HP(health point) of Alice's five pets

The third line of each example contains five strings $s$(none, honey, garlic, chili, melon, steak), describing the functionality of Alice's five pets

The fourth line of each sample contains five positive integers $a$ ($1 \leq a \leq 50$), describing the damage power of Bob's five pets

The fifth row of each sample contains five positive integers $b$ ($1 \leq b \leq 50$), describing the HP(health point) of Bob's five pets

The sixth line of each example contains five strings $s$(none, honey, garlic, chili, melon, steak), describing the functionality of Bob's five pets.


For each sample, if Alice wins, output "Alice". If Bob wins,output "Bob". If two people are tied, output "Draw".

输入样例 复制

21 41 50 25 14
8 39 19 5 45
none none chili steak garlic
33 42 2 10 26
32 25 37 44 11
steak honey steak chili chili
19 33 29 32 2
5 2 14 44 24
none steak chili chili steak
44 49 16 42 21
23 32 7 4 17
chili none chili melon steak

输出样例 复制
